Kitting Blades, Cutting Costs

High-Quality Kits for Wind Blades

Our services

JMB designs and produces balsa and/or foam kits for wind blades

We deliver ready-made parts according to our Customers exact needs

You can expect high-quality, a very competitive price, as well as perfect service

  • Kit designing

    Our engineering team is ready to design kit for you

  • Kit prototyping

    1st kit is good, 2nd is very good, and 3rd is perfect

  • Kit serial production

    We are very good at high-quality serial production

  • Kit optimization

    Sometimes it is good to review kit and optimise


To produce high-quality kits we need to perform many different operations

Each operation has broad range of variants/parameters to make perfectly fitted kit

Below you will find examples of operations that we can perform

Cutting (5-axis)






Scrim application

Dedicated packing


We work with many types of core materials, including balsa, PET foams and PVC foams

For each material, we are able to work with a wide range of thicknesses and densities

We rework core materials produced by various suppliers

Balsa wood

Balsa wood

PET foam (virgin)

PET foam (virgin)

PET foam

PET foam

PVC foam

PVC foam

Why JMB?

To be successful in the wind industry market, you need to be competitve

Competition between kitting service providers is also substantial

Below you will find just a few reasons why is it worth choosing JMB

Quality + Price

The key reason why we were able to enter the market was that we delivered high-quality kits at very competitive prices. We maintain this approach and still keep optimizing

Very Dynamic Growth

Our company joined the market when there were already several experienced Competitors. We have caught up quickly and are now still growing several dozen % annually

Customer Service

We are focused on our Customers' needs. Staying open for any suggestions, avoiding "no", being ready to support Customers' on-site and solve their problems ASAP

Experienced-Young Team

Sounds contradictory? JMB's team consists of very experienced experts in the furniture industry as well as of very dynamic young members with strong will to develop

Own Solutions

JMB knows how to maintain the balance between using standard machinery and building our own to effectively meet Customers' needs, even in very unique cases

Trust and Reliability

We believe that JMB as family-based company is a value our Customers. We take decisions independently, but we also have strong support from financial institutions

Standards & Awards

In our previous history in furniture, we implemented IKEA IWAY, FSC and ISO 9001 certifications

Now we are moving towards other certifications as well as developing wind industry standards

What is more, JMB is often awarded by business magazines for its dynamic growth

ISO 9001/14001/45001

Focusing on the quality of our services, environmental protection and improving occupational health and safety at our plant, we have implemented an integrated management system based on ISO 9001/14001/45001 standards

Dun & Bradstreet

As very reliable and stable company, JMB is holds a Dun & Bradstreet certificate of business credibility

Forbes Diamonds

In 2016, we took 8th place in our province for mid-size companies with the highest growth for results of financial year 2015

Puls Biznesu

In 2016, our President took 7th place in the Polish ranking of the most successful female owners of mid-size companies


Below you will find our contact details, a map as well as an online contact form

Poland / HQ

P.I.W. "JMB" Sp. z o.o.

Budno 31
72-100 Goleniów

☎ +48 914 181 996 (for Polish)




Zona Industrial da Palhaça, Lote 10
3770-355 Palhaça

☎ +351 234 244 222




R. João Eusébio da Silva, 989
Catolé, Horizonte - CE
62887-350 Brazil

☎ +55 85 2135-8669

Contact us

JMB Wind Engineering